What's The "Matter" (No Pun Intended)

Sep 28, 2009 at 3:23 PM

What is Matter?
-Anything that has mass and occupies space

-Matter can exist in many different states, the most common are:
b)plasma, aqueous,amorphous
Solids: Holds one shape and has a definite volume (has strong bonds)
Liquid: Can change shape, but has a definite volume (has weak bonds)
Gas: Can change shape and volume (has no bonds)

-Matter can undergo many changes
-Nearly all changes can be broken down into three catagories:
-Physical Changes
-Chemical Changes
-Nuclear Changes

Physical Change
-Involves changing shape or state of matter (Crushing, Tearing, etc.)
-No new substances are formed (Boiling water, Cutting wood, Smashing cars)

Phase Changes
-Changing from a solid to a gas can often be confused as a chemical change
-Chemcials remain the same
-During the melting process chemicals usually follow this path

Chemical Change
-New substances are formed
-Properties of the matter change
-Acidity, colour etc.
-ex. Iron rusting, burning wood, digesting food

Conservation of Matter
-In physical and chemical changes, matter is neither created nor destroyed. Ever! PERIOD!
- This is called the Conservation of Matter

Thus ends the lesson of the class..