
Jan 20, 2010 at 12:00 PM
-Coefficients in balanced equations represent moles
-Also conversion factors

Ex. (In class) If a 0.15 mole sample of methane reacts with oxygen. How many moles of each product are produced?
2)0.15molCH4 x 1molCO2/1molCH4 = 0.15 mol CO2
3)0.15molCH4 x 2molH2O/1molCH4= 0.30 mol H20

-Always what you need/what you know
-Converting to mass requires one addtional step

Ex. (In class)How many grams of Bouxite are required to produce 3.5 mol of Al?
1) 3.5molAl x 2molAl2O3/4molAl = 1.75 mol Al2O3
2) 1.75mol x102g/1mol=178.5g