Mass, Density.. Molar Conversions and Such

Nov 9, 2009 at 2:06 PM
Today in class, we reviewed the past topics of conversions to and from Moles, Volume, Molar Mass, Density, and Atoms and Molecules. Don't forget about Mr. Doktor's chart!

Density <----> Molar Mass <----> Mole <-- (conversion factor is 6.02 x 1023)--> Atoms and Molecules (the subscripts)
Mole <--(conversion factor is 22.4 L/mol or vice versa)--> Volume                                                   

Below, we have some examples..

Ex. (in class) 1.25 L of an unknown gas has a mass of 3.47 g. What is the molar mass if it is 22.4 L/mol?

1.25 L x 1 mol  =  0.0558 mol
              22.4 L

Molar Mass  =    3.47 g       =  62.2 g/mol
                       0.0558 mol

Ex. (in class) 250 mL of a gas which is known to contain one sulphur atom and an unknown number of fluorides has a mass of 1.63 g at STP. Find the molar mass, then the number of fluoride atoms. (SFx)

a) the Molar Mass
0.25 L x   1 mol   =  0.011 mol

1.63g / 0.011 mol = 146.048 g/mol

b) the number of fluoride atoms
1(32.1) + x(19) = 146
                  19x = 146-32.1
                      x = 6
Ex.Calculate the volume of 11.2 mol of HCN (g) at STP.
11.2 mol x 22.4 L  =  250.88 L = 251 L
                   1 mol

Ex. What is the volume of 1.3 g of NO2 at STP?
1N + 2O --> 1 (14) + 2(16) = 46 g/mol
1.3 g  x  1 mol   x   22.4 L  = 0.633 L
                46 g       1 mol

Here are two videos to help you review!

1 Responses to Mass, Density.. Molar Conversions and Such

  1. Mr. Doktor Says:

    The blog so far looks good. The videos you've added are quite good, but you need to get caught up. Your posts are about a week behind.

    Plus, when you add examples try to create examples and solutions to at least one new problem for each post.