Organic Chemistry

Apr 30, 2010 at 3:01 PM
- there are more carbon compounds than all ionic compounds combined
- the study of carbon compounds is organic chem
- carbon can have multiple bonds and form many different shapes

Hydrocarbons have 3 types of formulas:
- molecular formulas (C6H14)
- condensed structural formula (CH3-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH3)
- structural formula

Nomenclature of Hydrocarbons
- One molecular formula can have a number of different structures
- Isomers are compounds that can be drawn in more than one way

How to name alkanes
1) Add "ane" to the longest chain with the correct suffix
2) Locate any branches by number carbon atoms (with the lowest numer)
3) Name branches with the appropriate suffix and -yl ending (Alkyl branches)
4) If there are more than one of the same alkyl group, number each one and add the multiplier number in front of the branch name